14h30 - Welcome
Helena Vieira, Director-General for Maritime Policy
Blue Growth Programme Operator
14h40 - Susana Ramos, Head National Focal Point
EEA Grants 2014 – 2021 Financial Mechanism
14h50 - Project Presentation (by Promoters)
Pitch/Short-Video of projects approved under the Call SGS#3 – Ocean Literacy
Questions and Answers Session
15h30 - Tove Bruvik Westberg, Ambassador of Norway
Royal Norway Embassy
15h40 - Ricardo Serrão Santos, Minister of the Sea
15h50 - End of Session

Registration Form:
(Registration Limited to 300 participants)
Participation Rules
The Webinar will be a restricted event, only accessible to registered participants;
The Webinar will have a maximum duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes;
The Webinar will be recorded and subsequently published on the DGPM/EEA Grants website and social networks;
During the Webinar, participants must have their microphones turned off; The organization reserves the right to disconnect them;
Participants who wish to intervene in the Q&A Session should "raise their hands" (TEAMS functionality) and wait to be told that they can carry out their intervention; only then, the participant's microphone and camera will be active;
Any questions may be directed to the Blue Growth Programme email: eeagrants@dgpm.mm.gov.pt